Our next event will be:
Easter Bingo - Thursday 10th April! Look out for ticket updates on Seesaw and MyChildAtSchool
Summer Raffle - 2024
This year, our raffle has been sponsored by WB Environmental and they have kindly offered a first prize of £100 cash! Tickets will be sent home with children but will also be available at our Summer Fair.
Please ensure any counterfoils and money are returned to school by 15th July for the draw to take place on the 16th July.
Autumn Term - 2023
Thank you for all your support this term. We have raised an amazing amount of money!
We have paid towards the buses for the cinema and have purchased a new sound system, which has already been used at the fair and the concerts. We have also provided every child with a Christmas Cracker for the Christmas dinner on Tuesday.
Even after buying all those things, we have almost reached the £3000 that we need for the gym mats.
As well as raising such a big amount, we hope that you have enjoyed the various fundraisers that we have hosted.
We wish you a very Happy Christmas and look forward to new events in 2024.